Best Books About Marketing

Let’s face it: Everyone you know has enough ties, coffee mugs, or assorted knick-knacks to last a lifetime. The older you get, the harder it is to buy gifts that delight the recipient without destroying your budget. This holiday season, steer clear of the clutter and give the gift that keeps on giving: A marketing book chock-full of great ideas, insightful thoughts, and inspiration. The best marketers are always improving their craft. These books can help them on their journey.

The 50 Best Business Books Business books can easily fall into the hole of just about any sort of instructional literature — an abysmal noise-to-signal ratio. Like self-help and DIY books, dozens and dozens are published every year, all promising miraculous results.

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Best Books About Marketing 2017

We started with ten great books, then asked the authors to recommend a book that would make a great gift for that special marketer on your shopping list. These books are must-reads for marketers in 2016.

Best Books About Digital Marketing

Any one of them would make a great gift—but don’t forget to add them to your wish list, too. Bernadette’s Book: Meaningful: The Story of Ideas that Fly Meaningful upends the normal business process: What if instead of creating something, then telling people why they need it, we have people tell us what they need, then create the product? Or, as Bernadette puts it: “thrive by doing the right thing and by making things customers love, instead of by trying to get customers to love their things.” In addition to the great business advice, this is a heartfelt, emotionally moving book—don’t expect to get past the introduction with dry eyes. Michael’s Picks: by (plus three bonus books!) “I've read four books this year that I really think are worth mentioning.