What Causes A Rainbow

The Science Behind Rainbows. As sunshine breaks through the clouds and beams towards the raindrops, some of the light encounters the raindrops and bends - this process is called refraction.


What Causes A Double Rainbow


When the light refracts, the process causes the sunlight to separate into different wavelengths. These different wavelengths correspond to different colors: red and orange correspond to longer wavelengths, while blue and purple correspond to shorter wavelengths.

What Causes A Rainbow Cloud

A rainbow occurs when rain is falling in one portion of the sky and the sun is. Animation by: Hall, Sunlight is refracted as it enters a raindrop, which causes the. What causes blurred vision What causes pulsating vision All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice.